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Privacy policy

This privacy policy was last updated on October 25, 2022.   


The terms of use and Privacy Policy follow the guidelines of the General Data Protection Law, Law 13.709/18, which sets rules for the collection, storage and sharing of personal data, guaranteeing greater security for holders. 


Our privacy policy complies with the principle of transparency and privacy, guaranteeing broad access to the user and having its terms constantly updated with regard to the purposes of collection, use, storage, treatment and protection of personal data. 


The only data we process are those that the user himself informs us in the questionnaire available on our website, such as name, email, telephone and the content of his answers. 

The user may have access to the content of our website even if he does not respond and inform his data in the form. However, we suggest filling in the information properly, as the collection and processing of this data are extremely relevant for the interest of the user and for the satisfactory provision of the service, as it is through this information that we will find the best product or the ideal credit for you. 

We also inform you that, in compliance with article 15 of Law 12.965/14 (Marco Civil da Internet Law), we may record information regarding the date and time of use of a certain internet application from a certain IP address, for the required period. legally (6 months). 

Therefore, data processing is in line with article 7, item IX, of Law 13.709/2018, as it serves the legitimate interests of the controller and the user who registers to obtain the adequate provision of the service, in addition to respecting the Law of the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet. 

In addition to our activity being based on legitimate interest, when the user registers, he will have the opportunity to express his consent or not to the collection of data, in accordance with article 7, item I, and article 8 and its paragraphs of Law 13.709/2018. 

We also inform you that there is NO collection of sensitive data, such as personal data about racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, political opinion, union membership or organization of a religious, philosophical or political nature, data referring to health or sexual life, data genetic or biometric (art. 5, II and art. 11 of the LGPD), as we respect the human dignity and freedom of choice of each person, especially our users. 

We respect the privacy and intimacy of our users, under the terms of article 2, item I and IV, of law 13.709/18, which is why we do not make your data available to third parties, and sharing may occur as a result of legal, regulatory or compliance order of public authority. 


If the user uses Google tools, such as the Chrome browser, Google itself can remember information about a particular visit, in order to make the user's navigation better, showing ads that are of interest, for example.  

The collection of data eventually carried out by Google is outside our jurisdiction, given that we have no interference. Therefore, we suggest that you access the link “https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies?hl=pt-BR” so that you are aware of the cookies that Google stores. Also, we suggest that you access the link “https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=pt-PT” to become aware of the privacy policy exercised by the company Google. 


The collected data is stored in a safe place by the Active Campaign server, which guarantees the proper security and privacy of the users' data. If you want to understand how data security is done by Active Campaign, we suggest you access the following address: https://www.activecampaign.com/br/security. 

Our website uses SSL, a digital certificate that authenticates the identity of a website and enables an encrypted connection. The term “SSL” stands for “Secure Sockets Layer”, a security protocol that creates an encrypted link between a web server and a web browser. 

Therefore, we are always working towards improving user security and privacy. 

We clarify that incidents can occur, even with the best efforts. In this case, those affected and the ANPD must be notified pursuant to art. 48 of the General Data Protection Act. 


It is prohibited for the user to register third parties on our platform without due consent, as well as the registration of minors under 18 (eighteen) years of age, except through their legal representative.  

If you have been registered by third parties, without your due consent, or are under 18 years of age, we suggest that you contact our support via email “contato@gremista.net” and we will immediately delete it, in compliance with the legal custody provided for in article 15 of the Internet Civil Framework Law.


We inform you that the data collected is often deleted from our platform automatically. This situation occurs when the user fails to open our content emails for 7 (seven) days in a row. Thus, he demonstrates disinterest in our content, which is why we automatically delete his data. In this case, the deletion request is waived, as the deletion of your data will occur automatically. So, don't worry if you are no longer interested in receiving our content! 

Furthermore, we clarify that in compliance with the LGPD, which amended art. 7, X of the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet (Law 12.965/14), the definitive deletion of information referring to the date and time of use of a certain internet application, from a certain IP address, may occur after the period of 6 months of legal custody provided for in art. 15 of the Marco Civil da Internet (Law 12.965/14). 


At any time, the user may request the deletion of their data, simply by forwarding their request to our support via email “contato@gremista.net”. As soon as we receive the email with the deletion request, we will contact you shortly to inform you of the measures taken. 

We clarify that in compliance with the LGPD, which amended art. 7, X of the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet (Law 12.965/14), the definitive deletion of information referring to the date and time of use of a certain internet application, from a certain IP address, may occur after the period of 6 months of legal custody provided for in art. 15 of the Marco Civil da Internet (Law 12.965/14). 


The deletion of data may also occur via e-mail, the user simply having to open our content e-mails and click on “cancel subscription”.

After this manifestation of cancellation of registration, your registration and consequently all your data will be permanently deleted. In this way, you will no longer receive our suggestions, and your personal data will be deleted.  

We clarify that in compliance with the LGPD, which amended art. 7, X of the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet (Law 12.965/14), the definitive deletion of information referring to the date and time of use of a certain internet application, from a certain IP address, may occur after the period of 6 months of legal custody provided for in art. 15 of the Marco Civil da Internet (Law 12.965/14). 


The holder of personal data can exercise their rights through our support, by contacting the email “contato@gremista.net”, created especially to receive user demands.  


We are constantly evolving in order to provide greater security to users and society in general, which is why we may unilaterally update this privacy policy in compliance with social progress, legislative changes, modification of the corporate business (such as the availability of a new product or service), among other needs at the discretion of the company.